It’s All About Timing

I’m sure you have heard someone say, “It’s all about timing” at some point in your life. If you haven’t heard it, you’ve had the fortune to witness it over the last 10 years. Two words, “Wearable Tech” but more specifically smart glasses! First up, Google, who came out with “Google Glasses” in 2012 that were essentially a “smart” pair …

Stuttering and Perception

Ever have someone give you a look that says, “Do they know what they are talking about” or “What is wrong with them”? If you answered no, good for you, keep thinking that. For the other 99.9% of you who are honest, we can move forward. Since you know the feeling, try adding a stutter into that equation and then …

Some of Google’s Toughest Interview Questions

Breaking Down Some of Google’s Toughest Interview Questions There are many ways to see these questions, so do you take them seriously or provide easy answers with “Googliness”. Many of you have probably seen the article from INC. Business Insider going around titled, “41 of Google’s Toughest Interview Questions”. If you haven’t read the questions, I would give it a read and see …

New LinkedIn UI/UX

New LinkedIn UI…Love it or hate it! Now that some of the dust has settled from the bombs everyone dropped on LinkedIn due to their new UI, let’s take a step back. Is it really that bad? Think about it, are you really not able to accomplish what you were able to before? Or maybe it is that you don’t …

(Trouble Ahead) What can Twitter Do?

Everywhere you look some unicorn or trending tech company is in trouble. This should come as no surprise as many tech companies have been overvalued. There have also been many theories as to why they were overvalued. So am taking to the LinkedIn user base. I have a Question For You and Yes I am looking for answers. 1. What do …

Giving Back to the Entrepreneur Community – Daymond John

When you are just getting started as an entrepreneur, things like; mentorship, guidance, advice, feedback, opinions, and strategies all have value to you. However, once you begin to grow and become successful (for those that are motivated enough), this part of your life really determines what you stand for. Are you going to sit on your success and enjoy the …

Startups Are Not For Everyone

What is your definition of a startup? Is the small stereotypical tech company probably creating the next mobile app?  Or a medium size and financially sound company that can be in nearly any business vertical? Great, either way, you are right! However, working for them is entirely another thing. To some, startups sound appealing because one might think that it …

Clean Energy, Why is Advancing so Difficult?

Clean energy is something that we all should share some interest in as it is a free resource. My question is, “Why is Advancing so Difficult?” Obviously, the tools to harvest said energy is not free, but the ROI is much greater, both financially and environmentally. I understand the principles behind solar and most clean energy concepts, however, with the …

Getting in the Game! Are You Ahead of It or Too Late?

As we all have seen over the last few years companies like Apple, Google, Pandora, Spotify to name a few and now the most recent YouTube (part of Google) are offering ad-free services, but with a paid subscription. So times like this really make me consider the next step with innovation as I am always thinking about that next step and the next …